Global lead-acid battery market ushered in a wave of technological innovation


Lead-acid batteries have a promising future in new energy applications

 As the global demand for sustainable energy solutions continues to grow, lead-acid batteries, as a mature and cost-effective energy storage technology, are ushering in a series of technological innovations to adapt to the development of new energy markets.

Technological Innovations  Recently, the lead-acid battery industry has made significant advances in material science and battery design to improve the energy density and cycle life of batteries.

Market Growth  According to market research reports, despite competition from lithium-ion batteries, lead-acid batteries continue to dominate certain applications such as automotive starting, UPS power supplies, and large-scale energy storage systems due to their cost-effectiveness and high reliability.


Ease of Maintenance  Lead-acid battery maintenance techniques have improved, reducing maintenance costs and extending battery life.

Environmental Trends Recycling rates for lead-acid batteries continue to increase and new environmental regulations are encouraging battery manufacturers to adopt cleaner production processes.

Cost Effectiveness  Lead-acid batteries are relatively inexpensive to acquire and maintain, especially for projects with limited budgets.

Reliability  The high reliability of lead-acid batteries in critical power applications makes them the preferred choice for many industries.

Global Support Lead-acid batteries have a global supply chain and support network for overseas customers.

solar lead-acid-battery

Emerging Markets  In emerging markets such as Africa and Asia, lead-acid batteries are being widely used in projects such as solar streetlights and home energy storage systems due to their cost advantages and adaptability.

‘Our telecom base stations are located in remote areas and require a reliable and easy-to-maintain power solution. Lead-acid batteries not only fulfil these needs, but also meet our environmental standards due to their high recycling value.’ - Energy Manager, Telecom Company, Brazil

Learn More - Visit our website for detailed information on the latest lead acid battery technologies and products.

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Valve Regulated Lead Acid Battery

Lead-acid batteries, a time-honoured technology, are showing new vigour in the global energy market through continuous technological innovation. We look forward to working with our customers around the world to advance energy storage technology.

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